Laura graduated with TWO master’s degrees; an MBA and a Master’s in business analytics. Rather than walking, she had a backyard barbecue and we all thought that was a great idea!
John and I decided to spend a whole week in California because John’s team is based in the CA Bay Area (even though he is now based in Albuquerque), so he needs to spend regular amounts of time out there. It’s a fairly far commute between Santa Clara and Livermore, so he stayed in a hotel in Livermore during the week while I stayed with Laura. Then he took Friday off and we spent graduation weekend with Laura.
We drove the van out in order to take the dogs and camp along the way. I used google maps to identify a good location to spend the night. It was a great spot, near the freeway but with a ridge between us and the freeway so you’d never even know the freeway was there. It felt like we were totally out in the middle of nowhere, but we even had good cell tower coverage. This is about an hour west of Needles, CA.
Here’s photos from our walk after we got settled that evening. We didn’t go very far because of Kai’s injured knee. But John was happy to find rocks to climb on.
The day we arrived, Alex won his bike race in Sacramento. Congratulations Alex!
Their town has a great program where once a year everyone can set all kinds rubbish out on the curb for the city to pick up. There’s a few restrictions (like no hazardous waste), but it was amazing all the junk people lined up along the curbs.
Then the city came and picked it all up. Luckily they got it picked up before Laura’s party, because all that junk didn’t leave much street parking. Plus it wasn’t the greatest to look at, lol. Interesting, but low on aesthetic value.
One day that week I went out to meet Laura for lunch. She works in downtown Palo Alto, which is super cute. When I lived in Palo Alto 34 years ago it wasn’t at all cute. It was, in fact, quite sketchy. Back then, my aunt called it “the armpit of the Bay Area”. But now it’s very high-end and trendy. We had Burmese food. It’s one of those areas where you can just walk into any restaurant randomly and it’s going to be one of the best meals you’ve ever had (although on the pricey side).
Sorry, the only pictures I thought to take were of the parking garage surroundings (so I could find my car again). But even these parking garage pictures are amazing (for a parking garage). Parking garages in New Mexico don’t look like this.
Here’s a walkway out of the parking garage on the side where my car was located.
Here’s the back side of Laura’s building, next to the parking garage. She usually commutes via train and bike. If she drives, she has to move her car every 3 hours.
This is the actual parking garage.
Here’s the google maps picture of the shop I went to after we had lunch. I ordered my glasses online from this company, and I went to get them adjusted. Yeah, it the whole area looked this cool – or even cooler.
The next day I drove to Livermore to see a friend. We went to lunch in downtown Pleasanton, which is also very cute. A lot of these Bay Area towns have very pretty downtowns with nice shops and restaurants (not the skyscrapers of big city downtowns). Sitting outside at a cafe and talking with a friend is one of my all time favorite things!
On the Friday before Laura’s party, John and I traipsed around half the Bay Area trying to find a simple small patio table, chairs and umbrella for her present, as well as party supplies. I don’t know why errands have to be so hard in the Bay Area!
The Bay Area is beautiful, and high end, and fancy, and the weather is excellent, and the food is excellent, but running errands in Friday afternoon traffic is a torment! And every store we went to were sold out of anything worth buying.
That evening everyone went out for dinner, but I was too tired and stayed home. They kindly brought me back something to eat. My instructions were “Just some fish.” So Laura brought me several very expensive pieces of raw fish. (When in California, eat as the Californians eat.) It was very good.
Then the next day was the barbecue! Laura’s dad shipped lei’s from Hawaii for the occasion.
Here’s some more family pictures from before the guests arrived. When we were at Target for supplies we had bought goofy graduation-themed photo booth signs. We never actually set up a photo booth area, but that’s why John and Darren are holding goofy signs.
I forgot to take any photos after the guests arrived. Laura had thoughtfully prepared an “introverts table” in a corner of the living room and put out games and puzzles. Guess who ended up spending nearly the entire party there? Me, Darren, and David (the kid’s dad). Yep. We were the three self-selected introverts, quietly and contentedly putting together a puzzle while the party went on in the next room and the backyard.
John was out chatting with everyone. He considers himself an introvert too, except at parties he mixes well. He makes the rounds asking everyone questions about themselves. He’s good at bringing out interesting things about people. He knows not to ask uncomfortable questions, so everyone ends up feeling like he’s super friendly and interested in what they have to say. Most people like talking about themselves. As a conversation technique, it works pretty well.
I did make sure I got up from the introvert’s table long enough to snag some of that great food.
I’m packing to go to San Diego tomorrow, and at first I packed summer clothes, because, you know, end of May in southern California! Easy tops and shorts that I haven’t even had a chance to wear yet this year because it’s been so darn cold in New Mexico. But then I looked at the weather forecast and I put my shorts and tanks away for another day. Now my suitcase is overstuffed with sweaters and sweatshirts.
At least it’s not going to snow. Seriously, we had snow in the foothills around Santa Fe and Albuquerque two days ago. Snow! At the end of May!
Kai blew out his knee. We’re not sure how he did it. We weren’t there to see it, but he probably jumped off the back of the couch or something. On my last day in Boston John called to tell me that he came home to find Kai limping and not putting any weight on one of his legs.
My sister pretty accurately diagnosed it with just this 2-second video:
John took him to the vet and confirmed it; torn ligaments.
They put him on pain medication for a week, but it never seemed to bother him much. He just hops around on 3 legs, as cheerful as ever.
They say it will take awhile for it to heal. We’re watching for signs of it healing, but so far, not much change. He will touch his foot to the ground sometimes, but never puts any weight on it. Meanwhile we’re told to take him on moderate walks, which he has been happy to do every day.
Emily has a beautiful old home in a graceful suburb full of large homes on large lots.
Her yard is almost an acre; it includes that wooded area you see in the very back of this photo, which is larger than it looks.
There is also a large heated garage.
Her house needs some updating and will be an ongoing project for quite some time. But it’s entirely comfortable and has great character. It has beautiful arches and great windows.
The previous occupants had painted the interior many bright colors. I’ve seen that technique turn out well occasionally, but usually it’s not a good idea. Here’s a bit of the kitchen wall and ceiling. Wowza.
Emily is slowly working on painting it all a consistent light and bright bluish-grayish-white. But with her demanding job and two little ones, she is not always able to immediately finish what she starts. This was the state of the hallway outside the guest room when I arrived. A partial coat of primer over some sort of – what would you even call that color? Watermelon?
So I helped with the painting project. It gave me something to do when they were off at work. I don’t have any photos of the completed hallway, but I’d say it looked better.
One of the things I love the most about her house is the miles and miles of trails nearby. Here’s photos of when we took a walk with the kids. It’s great that they have such a pretty area to walk from their house. Just a couple of blocks through a spacious neighborhood to the wooded trails.
The open space was amazing. I went on several long jogs in the area and barely began to explore the enormous natural area they have only two blocks from their house. It went on for miles.
I didn’t end up taking as many pictures of the kids as I meant to, but here’s a cute one. I’m really glad I got out there and hope to make it back soon.
I went to Boston 3 weeks ago! I know, you’re thinking, “Weren’t
you trying to move?” So yes, it wasn’t the most convenient time. I had recently
canceled a trip to Houston, and canceled a trip to Ann Arbor, and postponed a
trip to San Diego. So why Boston, the week I was supposed to be moving?
It all started when John and I were packing at the Placitas house. As I was working in the office in Placitas, I unexpectedly came across a very sad sight. On the shelf was a plastic bin sitting on top of an old, warped box. The box was partially collapsed and the plastic bin was sinking into it. I pulled them both off the shelf, and to my horror, discovered that the crushed and warped cardboard box was labeled, “Old photos, Darren and Laura’s childhood”.
I ripped it open in alarm and confirmed my fears – the photos were glued together in unusable lumps.
This cute photo of Darren and his dog is glued to about 10 other photos behind it, all of which were ruined.
Hundreds of photos were ruined. A few survived.
I don’t know what happened. Obviously the box had gotten very wet. It did not get wet in the office in Placitas. It had to have gotten wet and then dried at some previous point. John is the one who put everything onto those shelves, but he hadn’t noticed the poor condition of the box, and didn’t remember where the box had been previously.
I was exceedingly upset. I was crying and shouting things like, “The kids are all that matter!” I ranted and raved about how the rest of our possessions were meaningless. And what does everyone rescue first in a fire after the people and household pets? The photos!
That afternoon I booked plane tickets to see my sister in Boston. The logic had something to do with not wanting to miss out on her children’s childhoods, as well as I guess I just needed to see my sister. And take pictures of her kids.
I probably would have also booked tickets to see Laura and Darren, except we were already planning to all get together the very next week, in celebration of Laura’s graduation.
I guess that’s what really matters – not the photos of the past, but the celebration of how well they are doing now.
Last month, for one of her final school projects, Laura went to Vietnam for a week with her class. They were providing business consulting for four companies there. She said it was a real learning experience.
It turned out that the company her team was assigned to was basically in bankruptcy and most of the business was no longer viable. The company had worked with Laura’s professor the previous year, and to save face (his and theirs) they were reluctant to admit how poorly they were doing.
It took a couple of days of investigative work for Laura’s
team to even realize in what bad shape the company was. For example, Laura’s
team had to discover on their own that the company’s several storefronts were all
closed and the company had only an online presence left.
As Laura’s team uncovered the situation, they had to decide
how to handle the disconnect between what the company was telling them and the
reality they were discovering. Should they be open about the actual state of
the company and provide genuine and useful advice, but embarrass the company?
Or should they gloss over the worst of it and provide suggestions that were
probably unrealistic but more politically correct? The fact that they were
working in a different culture just added to the complications.
Here’s a cute little video from Laura’s hotel room, showing how random the traffic was.
Here’s a lot of great pictures she sent.
Laura has now graduated with two Master’s degrees; an MBA
and a Master’s in Business Analytics. Congratulations Laura!
I have declared today a rest day. I’m going to sit and blog, and order a refrigerator, and stream music. Because I now have internet! The internet guy arrived at 7 AM this morning. And I’m tired. And I’ve been traveling, and in between traveling I’ve been moving.
And in between traveling and moving, I’ve been trying to get one of our rentals rented. The tenants left at the end of April, but I didn’t advertise it at the end of April, because I was in Boston for a week. Then I didn’t advertise it at the beginning of this month because I was in California for a week. Finally, as we drove across the desert on our way home, I put up the ad and started fielding inquires.
As I started scheduling rental showings our way back from California I realized that I was going to need to spend all week in Albuquerque showing the rental. And John works in Albuquerque. So it made a lot more sense to be in Albuquerque than in Santa Fe. And guess what, we have a house in Albuquerque! Only problem – it was completely empty. We closed on our new house purchase back in April, but we haven’t had any time to get moved in. No furniture, no refrigerator, not much of anything.
We had toilet paper at the new house, and we had luggage with us from our trip to California. I found a blow-up mattress in our Albuquerque storage unit. So that first night we stopped up in Santa Fe to snag sheets, blankets, a few more clothes, and a couple of towels. Wa-la, moved in!
After a few days of camping in our new house with the barest of necessities, John took Friday off and we were able get an old refrigerator out of our storage unit in Bernalillo. I don’t even know which house it came from or why we didn’t get rid of it at the time.
John and I loaded it into our pickup truck (we’re so happy to finally have a pickup truck, we use it all the time). We were in two vehicles, ferrying stuff down from Santa Fe, so he drove the pickup out to the Placitas house to do some watering since we were already up in Bernalillo. I had a migraine so I opted to drive straight home to our new house, hoping I could get a quick nap in before needing to get back to work. When John got home, he didn’t want to bother me while I was resting, and decided he could unload the refrigerator by himself.
And he dropped the refrigerator on the Mini Cooper!
He felt bad about it, but I just felt guilty for taking a break when I should have been helping. The fridge was fine, and the Mini is scratched a little. That’s the second car damage we’ve suffered during this move (we also dented the 4Runner trying to back the boat around a curve into an impossibly tight parking spot at the new house.)
The old white refrigerator from the storage unit is too large to fit in my new kitchen, but seems to run fine. I’m very happy to have a working refrigerator in the garage. I would typically have considered it a major nuisance to have my refrigerator in the garage instead of the kitchen, but it is far better than not having a refrigerator at all.
On Saturday I was finally done getting the rental fixed up, showing it to prospective tenants, and sifting through applications. Whew. The new tenant is very excited about the house and I think she’ll work out well. The rental is going to end up being empty for an entire month, and I try to get them turned around faster than that, but it is what it is. She sounds like she’ll stay awhile, which will be nice.
Also on Saturday John got the doggie door installed at the new house. It was a challenging installation – it ended up in a closet, lol. There were stud issues where we had initially hoped to put it to the right of the closet. I’m not sure whether we’re just going to remove the closet doors or what. We’ll figure it out I guess. This is the middle bedroom that’s going to be sort of a man-cave hang-out space. Someday I’d like to replace that window with a door to the side yard – it’s a big side yard and I want to make good use of it.
The doggie door also ended up several inches off the floor due to grade differences in our yard, so John’s going to add an interior step.
We had new fencing and lawn installed, so the side yard is fully functioning as safe dog space. The new grass is currently looking very stressed, but the weather has recently cooled off considerably, so maybe the grass will rebound.
You’re going to laugh – I ordered this for Kai.
It’s a fake fire hydrant for boy dogs to pee on! Totally unnecessary of course, but we thought it was cute. And I get annoyed when Kai goes up against my plant pots or the legs of my outdoor furniture and gets pee all over my patio. This is going right in the middle of the new lawn! He will love it.
On Sunday we unloaded our first pod. The first pod contained all the garage, cabinet and closet items from the house in Placitas. All the junk, but none of the furniture and decor.
There’s no furniture because we left the furniture in Placitas to stage the house.
So mostly what I have in my new house right now is John’s random stuff. Some of which seems useful to me, and some of it not so much 😉
We now have an empty pod in Santa Fe, ready for us to fill up with all my stuff, but we haven’t had time to pack and load in Santa Fe yet. I plan to go up there tomorrow and try to get a bit organized.
Mostly what I’ve been doing is scheduling – lots and lots of showings at the empty rental, fencing at the new house, sod at the new house, weed control at a rental, pest control, a broken window replaced at a rental, tile work at a different rental, getting bids for a roof replacement at the third rental, solar tubes at the new house, pod deliveries, refrigerator delivery, the internet guy too early on a Monday morning…it’s my new exciting career in logistics.
As you may remember, we have been struggling to figure out what to do with our boat in New Mexico. We’ve had it in dry dock storage near Lake Mead, we’ve had it stored in Bernalillo, we’ve had it in a slip at the main marina in Navajo Lake but almost never used it and they kept getting our bill wrong and over charging us.
So we pulled it out of the water, but then we were sad that we didn’t have it in a slip ready to use, so we put it back into the same lake at the smaller marina last spring. Except we still only used it once or twice that year. And slips are expensive!
Our lease for the boat slip was over at the end of last year, but it’s not very feasible to pull a boat out in the ice and high winds of winter. The small marina is closed all winter until roughly the beginning of April, so we figured we could get away with leaving it there past the lease, as long as we had it out of there before the marina opened. We watched the weather all January and February, and finally in March we spotted a window of opportunity and went to fetch the boat.
We saw lots of wildlife and semi-wild-life on our drive out to Navajo Lake and back.
Barren, deserted marina in the winter…
Our boat looked fine.
Doesn’t it look lovely? Every time we pull our boat out I’m sad. But we had only used it once – maybe twice – that summer. The problem with summers in New Mexico is thunder & lightening, and strong, variable winds, which doesn’t mix well with boats, particularly sailboats with masts. It’s like you’re carrying your own lightening rod with you. How handy!
After checking to make sure the boat was there, we went to get the trailer. And there we encountered a problem. The lot where the trailer was stored was locked for the season and we didn’t have a key. We were not going to be able to get our boat out of the water if we couldn’t even get to our trailer!
It took some tugging, but we managed to pull and push the trailer by hand up from it’s parking place to the gate.
John had to remove the side guards, but then we could push it under the locked gate. Stealing our own trailer!
This marina ramp seems to be hard to use, but John managed to get the boat winched up onto the trailer
Then we got it “sealed.” This ensures that the boat isn’t carrying the invasive zebra mussels. There are none at Navajo lake, so as long as our boat isn’t used, we aren’t carrying zebra mussels. The inspections attendant locked a wire with a code between the boat and the trailer, and as long as that “seal” is intact, our boat is known to be mussel-free.
So yes, there was an inspector out there on that cold March day, even though the marina was closed for the winter. An inspector was on duty to make sure no boats were put into the water without an inspection to ensure no invasives were introduced into Navajo Lake. She had what must be the most boring job in the universe. She sat in her car all day, and probably never saw anyone launch a boat for weeks at a time during the winter.
Then John managed to get the boat up that long ridiculous driveway in Placitas and backed carefully in place, were it lived for a month or so until…it was time to get the house ready for sale.
We could have left the boat there while the house is on the market, but John and I both have perfectionist tendencies, and we were determined to get it move out of there before picture day.
We closed on the purchase of our new house just in time, and drove the boat down to Albuquerque to its new home. The new house has space for RV and boat parking, but it’s challenging to access, particularly when backing up a trailer. You have to back around a tight corner. Here is John trimming a tree at the corner of the house to make more room.
At that point we got stuck. The boat is inches from the wall, but John can’t turn anymore because of a huge juniper bush in the front yard.
John had a saw with him, so he set to hacking at the bush. Luckily I’m not a fan of this type of hedge anyway.
It was one of the first nice weekends of the year, and our new neighbors were all outside getting work done – and keeping an eye on the newcomers hacking at their front landscaping. I’m sure we made a great first impression!
We put a moving blanket over the newly exposed juniper branches, hoping to avoid scratching his new 4Runner. Unfortunately, scratches turned out to be the least of our worries.
We finally got the boat where he wanted it. With no space to spare!
Here’s what we didn’t realize until later – his contact with the bush dented his new 4Runner!
Someday I hope we can both say we are enjoying our boat.
That pretty much explains why we’re selling such a pretty house with amazing views…
…and buying a much less impressive house with a protected yard and no views whatsoever.
I live to be outside…more specifically, I live to be comfortable outside…so I’m not much of a fan of weather. Do we deliberately create “seasons” inside our homes? Do we create high winds and sleet inside? No, no we don’t. We keep it as close to 72 degrees as we can, with no more than the slightest breeze from our ceiling fans or forced air heating systems. Because that’s what’s comfortable. My goal in life is to live outside as much as absolutely possible – comfortably. Therefore, weather is not my friend.
So why don’t I live in San Diego? Well, maybe someday. I could find a job in San Diego with no trouble. But John’s not enthused about the idea of having to get a new job. Or of doubling our cost of housing. And we do like the unique culture here. Even though the wind in New Mexico blows trains off tracks! (I actually find that hard to believe. Did it really blow the train off the tracks?!?)
Here’s the updated link to the video, which needed corrected and reposted because the photographer spelled my agent’s name wrong,
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