Floating table umbrellas and other things San Diego

I went to San Diego recently to visit family.

We were eating outside in the wind (it wasn’t that bad, really, nothing like New Mexico). Suddenly the umbrella from the nearby table lifted up, up out of the stand. The bottom end of the umbrella lifted all the way above the slot in the table, hovered above the table for a sec, tilted, turned, and came floating over, crashing down on top of our table and Laura! She saw it coming – Alex and I didn’t know what hit us. You can see it, top down on the ground behind them. They gave us Laura’s food for free ,LOL, no one was hurt, and it just goes to show you – California gets wind too!

It was an informal Jamaican place, and the food was great.

Now the next set of photos I’m not going to write about. They are pretty explanatory. Cute kids at the beach 🙂

Oops. I love how colorful San Diego is, but this is a bit too much color:

It was worth it though.

Here’s some pictures of our trip to Balboa Park:

And one more time, this time without sunglasses; there you are!

Here’s far too many pictures of koi at the Japanese Garden, for John, who loves koi:


This one’s my favorite:

And here’s far too many pictures of the Botanical Building (one of my favorites). It was closed last time John and I were there, so these are also for John:

And a couple pictures of my brother’s garden:

I think the white flowered one is dragon fruit (if not, someone will correct me). Here is a photo from last November that shows the fruit, it’s a pretty amazing color:

This is the local community center – it’s an upscale area.

And here I am with a niece!

My old dog’s getting older

Kai got homemade sardine sauce on his kibble today (homemade from canned sardines; I didn’t go out and catch & smoke those little fishes myself). He won’t get any breakfast because he’s having surgery done tomorrow. He has a growth under an eye that the vet believes is cancerous and rotting teeth that need pulled. He’ll need general anesthesia, which is dangerous for an old dog.

I was having trouble deciding whether I wanted to put him through that. But then when John was gone last week (John’s been gone a lot again recently), and I had the dogs in Santa Fe, I noticed that Kai was crying when Kira was playing with him. Kira is our youngest dog, and I don’t think she means him any harm, but I don’t understand why she doesn’t have an instinct to back off when he cries. John’s home now, so we have them separated; Kai is in Santa Fe with me, and Rosie and Kira are in Placitas.

Anyway, based on the fact that Kai is in pain, I decided to go ahead and give it a try. It would be very sad, but not the end of the world, if he doesn’t make it through surgery. My main goal is to keep him comfortable – not to extend his life at all costs.

By the way, while I’m on this difficult subject, let me digress and mention, for posterity, that’s how I feel about my life also. If I’m brain dead or terminal, I just want to be made as comfortable as possible and let go with reasonable expediency (morphine – yes; feeding tubes – no.)

Anyway, not to unduly upset anyone – we are anticipating a fine outcome, a speedy recovery, and another few good years for Kai-boy. I’ve got more of that sardine sauce all ready when he’s ready.

Meow Wolf

Meow Wolf is an experiential art forum in Santa Fe. I guess. I made that up. No one knows what Meow Wolf is.

The first time I went to Meow Wolf, around Christmastime, it was way too crowded and overwhelming. Darren walked out mid-meltdown, and I followed shortly after. For someone with sensory integration issues, it can be assaulting. It’s deliberately confusing and somewhat creepy; weird music with groans and thrums, confusing secret passageways, and it’s visually nuts.

The second time I went to Meow Wolf, I enjoyed it quite a lot more. First of all, I knew what to expect. Secondly, it was far less crowded. Thirdly, I just followed my friend around, which made it easier than trying to proactively interact with Meow Wolf!

No, sorry, I don’t know what this picture is of. I guess that’s the point.

I don’t even know if I’m posting this right side up.

Look at that expression – awesome!

Meow Wolf had one final surprise in store for me. If you’ve never lived alone, you won’t know what I mean, but if you live alone, and no one has been in your house for several days, and suddenly something is different – something has appeared – it is utterly disorienting.

I was talking on the phone with Darren one evening, when suddenly I was shocked to discover this in my house.

It’s innocuous enough, a bookmark and a refrigerator magnet, hiding on the far side of my refrigerator, and I quickly realized my friend had thoughtfully left it for me. But when I very first saw it, after no one had been at my house for several days, my mind just kept trying to make sense of what it was seeing. What is this? Why is it here? How did it get here? Nobody’s been here! It materialized!

Meow Wolf is an experience.

the perfect spot

You know how when you find that perfect spot for something? When you don’t think it’s actually going to fit – but you try it anyway and it does. It slides right in there and it’s just so tidy and handy, organized and contained, and you wonder why you never thought to put it in that perfect spot before?

And then – you never see it again?

I spent 4 days in San Diego bumming macintosh power cords off my relatives because I “forgot” mine. Luckily, my smart and talented relatives are mac people (of course). Obviously they are smarter and more talented than me, because I had no power cord.

I hadn’t actually forgotten it. I more like lost it. Except I didn’t just randomly lose track of it, laying around somewhere. I remember very clearly, putting it very carefully, in that perfect spot!

I’m home now, and I still can’t find it. Someday I will find it – when I no longer have this macintosh and my new one takes a different type of plug. Meanwhile, I have my power cord somewhere – safe and secure in its perfect spot.


Guess I’ve gotten so used to writing “acting manager” for the past 6 months that I’m going to still be doing that for awhile (for those of you who noticed my typo, now fixed, in the last blog). Since you all just read this when it sends your phone an email, you never see my later edits. You don’t know what you’re missing! (Not much, don’t worry.)

I flew to San Diego today to see family, which is wonderful, but I’m all tired out.


It’s Official

I am now the manager of the Compliance Reporting Group of the Air Quality Bureau, New Mexico Environment Department (after being acting manager for 6 of the 7 months I’ve been with New Mexico state).

I currently have two excellent employees and I’m going to be hiring 4 more – I hope that goes well!


Art on the brain

Last weekend I spent all day at the art galleries in Santa Fe with my friend. Then I took this picture.

and this one.

And now you can tell what it is:

I will walk upright, in courage

On Friday at work we had a full day of cultural training. A Navajo man came and taught us about New Mexico history and the current cultural ramifications that we encounter as state employees.

Almost 50% of New Mexicans are Spanish. I am not using the American terms of “Hispanic” or “Latino/Latina” because many of our locals do not like either of those terms. In the rest of the country, those terms often imply recent immigrants whose culture is completely different than our locals, many of whom can trace their family’s arrival to this region to the 1500’s and 1600’s. This land was ruled first by Native Americans, then Spain, then Mexico, and now the US.

The Spanish here in New Mexico, unlike other parts of our country, are not oppressed minorities, they are not recent immigrants struggling to assimilate; they are our locals, they are our elected leaders, they are our educated professionals, they are our wealthy families and our poor families, and they are my coworkers.

About 10% of New Mexicans are Native Americans. Some were forced to resettle here from other parts of this country, others have been here, in what we now call New Mexico, for many centuries.

It’s unclear how many natives were here when large numbers of Spanish started migrating north into this land, but it is clear that huge native populations were wiped out. A lot of the death was due to epidemics, which the natives had not developed resistance to. There is some evidence that at times the Spanish may have attempted to deliberately increase the spread those epidemics, although there were also attempts made by the Spanish to stem the epidemics – probably because many Spanish took natives as slaves, and didn’t want their slaves to die.

There were atrocities on all sides, protracted warfare, kidnapping, and brutality, over several centuries. Yes, there were intermarriages, but there was also enormous amounts of rape. The cultural warfare continued all the way into the 1900’s, with broken treaties, natives’ land being illegally stolen, and children being forcibly sent to boarding schools to “civilize” and beat the “Indian” out of them. We have people here who are alive today who remember these events.

I am sure my own ancestors must have been both the victims and perpetrators of atrocities over the centuries. But we didn’t retain those memories, probably because those events happened somewhere on the other side of the world. I think those historical memories stay most strongly tied to the place where they happened.

The Spanish and the Native Americans have been here for centuries. They know the villages where these things happened. These villages still exist. Some of these villages have gone from having a Native American name, to a Spanish name, and back again to a Native American name. The locals and the natives know and remember and still bear the last names of their ancestors. We see and recognize these names in each other today. It does not help that some of the natives now bear the last names of their former Spanish masters.

I learned how the “doings” (religious rites) of the Native Americans contrast sharply with the local Spanish/Catholic festivals like Día de Muertos (Day of the Dead) and how hard it is for our natives when our locals have those decorations up in the workplace.

Into all this I come ignorantly, enjoying the sense of place of this unique region, the spicy food, the earthy architecture, the hot sharp smell of piñon pine and peppers, the bright colors, the flowing languages, the names of the streets that sound like poetry. The beauty of the desert and the warmth of the culture is what makes it truly a “Land of Enchantment”. We come here ignorantly; we fall in love with the feel of it all.

And now in more recent history, odd, added wrinkles. Santa Fe is the third largest art market in the country after NY and LA, beating out San Francisco and Chicago; this little town with a population of only 80,000, selling paintings and sculptures worth hundreds of thousands each.

And we are the home, the creators, of the nuclear bomb. Scientists from all over the world were sent here – and continue to be sent here. The culture of science and war is added to the mix.

The spring winds blow harshly and fiercely at 50 mph; dirt, dirt, blowing dirt, dirt in my nose and dirt in my eyes and dirt in my lungs. Wind howling across the top of this exposed hill we are calling home, this home that does not feel like an adequate shelter, does not feel like it is protecting me, this vulnerable house perched on a hill in the screaming winds.

I miss California, where the soft, moist air nurtures the spring flowers. California, where I would awake to the sound of birds and the feel of the damp dew on the grass, and the bright light green of the freshly leafed trees. California, where you always know that the dark blue strip of ocean is right there in the distance, even when you can’t quite see it.

And so I sit in a politely tense auditorium, wind and sand hammering the building, and listen as my local coworkers and a Navajo leader talk about respect and compassion, trauma, abuse and genocide.

Two days later I sit in a gorgeous, historic local church, where the congregation prays, reads, and sings in Spanish about a quarter of the service, in deference to the fact that it was once a Spanish church, even though now we are mostly English-only speakers, who have moved here recently from places like California and Minnesota. We set aside our awkwardness and gamely struggle to sound out the unfamiliar words and phrases. La Palabra viva de Dios. Demos gracias a Dios.

And then today:

Chilokaka is my keeper. I have food for my belly, skins for my back, a warm lodge, and love. He lets me rest in the valleys of the long grass, beside the clear running water. When it is my time to walk to the south to join my brothers and sisters in the land of souls, I will walk upright in courage because Grandfather Creator is with me. His eagle flies over me and brother wolf walks by my side to protect me and calm my spirit. Grandfather, you have sent me game while my enemies look on and are amazed. You have placed eagle feathers in my hair and smoked me with cedar. My lodge is full of laughter and love. Your good things and your kindness will be with me through all the rising and setting suns, through all the winters and summers of my life, and I will stand in the center of Chilokaka’s universe for all time. (Psalm 23, Modern Choctaw English version by Matt Lewis.)

And I sat and I cried because I have known that poem since childhood, but I never understood it until now. “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.” Even though the word “death” is right there in that line, I never understood that the writer was talking about dying. He was talking about facing his own death. I never knew it; I didn’t get it until I read, “When it is my time to walk to the south to join my brothers and sisters in the land of souls, I will walk upright in courage…”

Coaching in the wind

This makes me sad, but truly I cannot do any more than I already do right now.

(In case you’re unfamiliar with WordPress, that isn’t what my actual website looks like, that’s the software I use to edit the website). Here’s the top part of the actual page with the “not accepting new clients” update.

I’ve been meaning to get that update posted on my website for awhile now, but I’ve been reluctant. Today I just finally knew I had to do it, because today has been a day! It all started at 3:30 AM when I was awakened by high winds. I reached over to turn on my bedside white noise machine in hopes of drowning out (or at least evening out) the worst of it, when I realized I had unplugged it in order to plug in whatever else seemed more important at the time. By the time I got up, decided what I could unplug in order to plug in the noise machine, I was wide awake and did not go back to sleep.

Wind…my things not set up right…you guessed it, I am spending weeknights at the Placitas house. And why would I be doing that when I have my cosy townhome in Santa Fe a few short miles from work?

John’s out of town so I’m on dog duty. Up until this evening, I imagined that Placitas was the safest place for my little darlings, since I’m having work done at the townhome. I figured between the air conditioning guys, and Sam-the-backyard-brick-guy, someone would leave something open, even for a moment, and I’d lose the dogs. Surely they are totally safe in the Placitas house, with a doggie door that goes out to our new fortress-for-a-courtyard.

At shortly before 7:00 tonight, as I was approaching the house from a distance, I could see a big, gaping opening where the courtyard gate should have been. I immediately imagined all three dogs roaming the countryside, lost in the wind and looking rather enticing to the coyotes.

I quickly rescheduled in my mind – I would cancel on my 7:00 client (with no warning, but he’d understand), I’d post the dogs lost on NextDoor.com, and I might have to take the day off and look for them. How long did I have before it got dark? If I could just find them before dark…the likelihood of their survival out here would drop rapidly after dark.

I drove up to the top of that hill, barely parked the car, ran through the door, and there were three little dogs, dancing in the kitchen, happy to see me home!!! Why would they think of exploring the countryside when it was clearly dinner time?

Then I went out to inspect the gate. I assumed it had blown open, but oh my gosh, can you believe this? I’ve seen fences blown down by wind, but this is a mortared stone column reinforced with rebar. Is that nuts? This wind is not ok!

In the morning I’ll get up early and drive the dogs to the Santa Fe house on my way in to work. The mini-splits are done being installed, and I’ll tell Sam-the-backyard-brick-guy not to come tomorrow (not that he’s been coming very often anyway).

Remember when we first moved back from California and I spent a week at this house before John got here and before I found the rental? And there wasn’t a courtyard yet and I had no tools so I tried to put up a temporary fence with lattice panels propped up with rocks and tied with string? String! That seems so laughable now!

Phrase cards

Years ago, when I was first learning to coach, I was taught a coaching technique using metaphors. Metaphors help people remember and internalize complicated concepts.

For example, a client of mine wanted to slow down and relax when she was on the phone making business calls. Part of relaxing for her had to do with letting go of the outcome and letting things happen naturally. So we talked about what could remind her and help make her feel that way. She decided that a melting ice cube was slow and inevitable and comforting (it was summertime). She literally put a plate of ice cubes on her desk before making her calls.

I was taught to have my clients come up with their own metaphors. But some of my clients really struggled with that. So I sometimes would suggest random metaphors to them, and see if they resonated with any of them. (Deep roots of a tree. A race car. A thunderstorm.) I wrote metaphors on cards to use when I was coaching.

After awhile I started playing with the cards with Laura, who was a teenager living with me at the time. Pretty soon she was helping me write them. After I married John, he enjoyed the phrase cards too, and has contributed a lot of good ones over the years.

We now have a personal deck of about 250 of them. A lot of the metaphors wouldn’t make much sense to anyone else. They are inside jokes about things that happened to us. (A puppy with a hairbrush caught in her tail) Some of them are serious (Just because things are getting worse, does not mean you are making wrong choices) Some of them are funny things someone once said, (I love you more than chocolate cake) Most of them can be taken in different ways, which is why metaphors are so useful. For example, does “watering a lake” mean undertaking a useless and ineffective endeavor, or does it mean taking a pee in the wilderness? And what does that mean to you?

We play with the deck by asking a question and pulling a card, and trying to relate the card to the question somehow.

For example, let’s imagine I asked the question, “Should I buy another rental?” And then I draw a card that says, “I wasn’t growing my hair out, I just quit cutting it.” At first glance, what does buying a rental have to do with personal hygiene? But then I got to thinking about how I never actually intended to be a landlord, any more than I intended to grow long hair when I got lazy and quit cutting it.

How did I get into the rental business to start with? I honestly can’t remember why I rented my house in Olympia instead of selling it when I moved. This would have been about 1998. I wonder if I subconsciously knew that the relationship I was in at the time was iffy and I wanted to keep my house just in case? (That relationship lasted about 3 years.)

Then when I moved to California the time before last, in 2002 or so, I knew I wouldn’t be able to afford to buy in California with the meager proceeds of a 80-year-old, 850 square foot house in Olympia, and I didn’t know if I was going to stay in California, and it was already rented by that time anyway, so I just left it rented. Then the second time I moved to California the housing market had crashed and John and I totally couldn’t sell the house we bought together when we got married or John’s original house either (bla…bla…bla) you already know (or don’t care) about the details.

My point is, we sort of just stumbled into being landlords. Even the 3 rentals we bought last year in Albuquerque were really just an attempt to avoid a huge tax bill from the first one we bought in California (which we had never intended to be a rental. We had bought it to live in it – except then I totally hated it, so we bought a different one, but it was too soon to sell the first one without losing money on it, so we just rented it for awhile…) So no, I don’t actually want more rentals – or do I?

I’ve basically had rentals off and on (mostly on) for an entire 20 years now, so I’m thinking I can’t claim to dislike owning rentals (either that or I’m doing a very bad job of living the life I want to live!)

Anyway, I was talking about metaphors. Recently Laura showed me some really cool photos she’s using for screensavers at work, to help her remember the things we all need to remember at work – like patience! She has different photos for different concepts, and they cycle on her computer to help her remember.

So today, I had a great idea. I think it would be really cool to make metaphor picture cards like our phrase cards. I could have a deck of photos, and the game would be the same, ask a question and draw a photo and try to relate the photo to the question.

For example, let’s say I ask myself, “Do I want the promotion at work?” Then I draw a card, Since I don’t have a deck of photos built yet, to be random, I’m going to now post the absolute most recent picture I happen to have taken…

Oh, ouch. My first thought is “fenced in.” A tall, New Mexican style latilla fence. Will I feel fenced in with this job? Do I already feel fenced in with this job?

Yet also I know that there is a quaint gravel trail along this fence, that leads to a really neat old Spanish style neighborhood (if you turn right. If you turn left, it’s sort of industrial-run-down). You can almost, but not quite see that trail on the left edge of the picture. Does that mean that I shouldn’t concentrate on the “fenced in” aspect of my job, and instead I should focus more on the trail along side it and where that trail is going?

See how cool that is?

Now your turn. Ask a question about your life, and I’ll post the second-most-recent picture I’ve taken lately.


Do you have a question?

Don’t peek until you do.

Ok, here’s the photo…

Ok, this is a good one. There’s a lot of directions you can take this. The first, obvious one, is the transition from winter to spring. Is there a transition in your question? How do you feel about that transition?

Another aspect of this photo is the planning and faith involved. Someone planted bulbs – someone stuck ugly, shriveled little roots into the dirt many months (or years) ago and those bulbs have been blooming and multiplying ever since. How does planning ahead, or faith relate to your question?

There’s also a sense of knowing the future – sort of. I know those are flowering bulbs. I’m not quite sure what type, or what color they will be. But I know they will be beautiful.

There’s also a combination of “natural” and “constructed” in this photo. That’s a real rock, real snow, real flower bulbs. But it’s not a fully natural scene. Someone set the stone there and planted the bulbs in front of it. How does the combination of natural and designed relate to your question?

Also that rock is sheltering those bulbs from the harsh dry weather in the desert, holding the scant moisture in the soil around it. If your question has something to do with a goal or dream or something you are trying to grow or develop in your life, have you supplied a rock to shelter your goals from the harsh environment?

So wow, that was a great one.

You think that photo was rigged. No, truly. Here’s why those happen to be the most recent two photos I’ve taken this week. I talked to Darren and mentioned that I wasn’t making friends at work because I was working too hard. He said, “Aren’t you going for walks on your breaks?” He regularly walks with his coworkers. So I took that on as a goal, and I’ve asked a couple different coworkers to walk with me this week. These photos are just two I randomly shot within a block or so of where I work, while out walking, because we had a bit of snow this week and I thought it was pretty.

So if you’re thinking, fine, but what if the photo had been my grocery list? (Yeah, I do that). Well, a grocery list is a great metaphor! Think of how important food is! We can’t live without it. Yet we all constantly obsess about how much and what kind of food we are eating, and whether it is healthy and whether we are eating too much and gaining weight. A grocery list is a poignant thing. It’s about our hopes for ourselves and our families. It’s about one of the most basic endeavors in life – to find good food to eat. So even if the picture had been a grocery list, you can still figure out how to relate that to whatever your question was.

It’s a very good game! And I’m totally going to make picture cards to augment our phrase cards.