A quick, no-socializing trip to Albuquerque

John and I went to Albuquerque for Christmas. Unfortunately we were sick, so we didn’t get out much. In particular, when we first got there I was coughing like I had some sort of plague, so I avoided people. We didn’t go to Old Town, or Jackalope, and didn’t see any of our friends.

We rented Mark and Steve’s casita like we always do. It has become almost a home away from home for us. Unfortunately because I was sick, we didn’t accept their generous invitation to Christmas dinner.

Toward the end of our stay I was feeling better and we did a few outdoor activities. We walked the local ditches (that is, we walked the trails alongside the acequias), that are just a block away from the casita.

When I was there in October the ditches were still running, but in December they were dry. I forgot to take a photo of the acequias, but it was pretty. By Christmastime the cottonwood leaves have turned a light golden bronze color, but they are mostly still on the trees. It’s quite beautiful. Here is a picture of one on our walk from the casita towards the acequias, which are just there at the end of the street where it makes a right turn.

This next photo is of a beautiful metal and stained glass gate along the acequia trail. I want that!

Next up, more photos from Christmas in Albuquerque.

To send me a comment, email turning51bykristina@gmail.com.