Additional info about LDS voting

As I mentioned before, I’m not a member of the LDS church and I’m also not a republican, but I am interested in how people of faith are handling this election. And I happen to be on a mailing list of a group that turns out to have a lot of republican LDS members…and I just got an invitation for everyone (not just church members) to a webinar about the LDS vote. Several of you expressed interest in my previous post about the Mormon vote, so here is the invitation, and you can join the webinar if you want to learn more:

Reaching Out! LDS Focused Webinar!

We have been getting so many questions about the LDS vote, that we decided to address it head on. Because some of us in the PAC are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we explain that there is no such thing as the “LDS vote”: each Church member votes how he or she determines best. But the questions keep coming!

So, we felt it would be productive, to have an event that directly addresses the question. This is it! Click here or on the flyer below to register for the webinar. Don’t be shy, if you’re not LDS! It will be a great event for all!

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