Lake Cabin Kayaking

We were excited to discover a tandem kayak we could borrow in the cabin basement.

For some reason, it was twice as heavy as ours at home, even though it was the same size as our tandem kayak. It must have been made of older materials.

Luckily there was also a kayak cart with it. But it was still a heavy haul to the water. It didn’t help that we didn’t scope our route ahead of time. Sometimes John is overly optimistic, imagining the world to be the way he wants it to be. And he never acts unsure. So I never know when to say, “Uh wait, do you know what you’re getting into?” Also if it doesn’t work out, it usually doesn’t bother him too much. He just powers through unexpected obstacles, even if it’s harder and takes longer than he had hoped.

I think my lack of stamina and history of migraines makes me more cautious about being sure I know what I’m getting into. (Except that crazy road going to that campground with the kids. I definitely failed to adequately query my brother about that road, lol.) Sometimes you just have to trust that life is going to work out.

Too steep, can’t get the kayak down that way.

Too steep here too. It’s perfect on the other side of the water.

Sure enough, we ended up having to haul it back out to the road, down to the cross street, around the corner, and across the pedestrian bridge to the other side.

Ah, we made it! It’s Biska’s first time on a kayak. She’s having a good time.

As usual, the afternoon clouds were building.

But we still had some time, and it was warm and beautiful.

No wind yet, the water was smooth.

I also spent some time relaxing while John rowed.

Time to head back! Just a few fluffy white clouds in one direction, but steel gray the other way.

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Kristina’s Website: Life Coaching for Adults with Autism