Painting classes with a puppy left at home

Biska doesn’t like being left alone, although she doesn’t actually have separation anxiety. She just wants all the fun, all the time! And being left behind – what fun is that?

One of the first times we left her alone, she got up on the table and ate biscochito cookies! We did not know she was big enough to get up on the table.

John thought this was was doubly funny because Biska’s full name is Biscochito. And the first food she ever stole was biscochitos! We’re not sure how well she liked them though, because they were not gone. She just nibbled edges off of several of them. With other dogs I’ve had in the past, all the cookies would have been gone, lol.

A day or two later – paper towel bits everywhere! Who knows where she found it. Such shredding fun!

The next bit of mischief she got into was when we went to our painting class after we were back in Tucson. John and I found this particular painting to be quite challenging. Here was the original that we were supposed to be painting:

Here’s our attempt, lol:

Luckily we don’t have a lot of ego invested in how good our paintings are. We just really like the classes because they are very focusing. All we think about is our painting and time just flies by.

Meanwhile back home…

Yep. Biska discovered the joys of toilet paper rolls. We hung our hard-earned paintings briefly in the hallway, but they were glaringly bad. Every time I walked by I was like, aaaak, gotta shade my eyes, they’re too bright!

Soon we had another painting class and attempted to redeem ourselves. Here’s the original on the right and the instructor’s version on the left.

Lol, it’s just two colors – how hard can it be? Here’s ours; mine on the left, John’s on the right:

Our next painting class looked like a fun one. Cheerful with lots of color. Here’s what we were supposed to be painting; the original on the right, and the instructor’s version on the left:

Here’s what we ended up with:

I thought John’s was a lot better than mine. But when we got them home they were both just beyond bright. They were garishly green! There was no way I was going to hang them up, not even for a day. But we had fun!

Luckily we have better art to hang. Here we are hanging three paintings we bought from my friend, Kathleen. I really like her work.

How about the small one on the left?

Or maybe better the other way?

Also here are the three we bought this summer on our anniversary, from a very well known artist in Madras, New Mexico. We are just finally getting those hung.

And the roadrunner punch quilt we bought in Old Town on that same weekend.

It’s starting to look like Christmas! Yes, we had to put a gate around the tree. And you know why!

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