The lighter side of life – staying in touch with friends and family by celebrating the ordinary.
It’s not over yet – Post 11 of the Boise Roommate Saga
Finally the day came when the sheriff would forcibly evict Callan’s roommates. Our attorney said it almost never comes to that. People always manage to leave before the sheriff actually shows up to physically remove them. But not in this case. When the sheriffs arrived, the roommates were still trying to load a small u-haul.
One of the roommates was so drunk that the sheriff wouldn’t let her drive. So they left the u-haul in the street and drove off in their car with the one sober roommate driving. They later came back for the u-haul.
The roommates left the house in a huge mess. Sorry for the poor photo quality, but you get the idea.
They had taken whatever they wanted, including almost everything in the kitchen, as well as anything portable and valuable. But the roommates did not do any vindictive property damage, other than two holes in the drywall in one of the bedrooms.
There’s a weird story about those holes. Once upon a time some time ago, Callan had knocked holes in those places in that wall (with a chair, I think) while banging around doing who knows what, alone in their room. Callan has always been a little hard on their possessions, lol, you should see their car. Let’s just say that poor car hasn’t aged well. Anyway, Callan and Chirstina patched the holes in the wall, good as new.
Then, in order to continue to try to blackmail Callan with threats about the battery case (in hopes of not being evicted), the roommates unpatched the holes to take a photo of them, which they then claimed proved that Callan is a violent person. Is that nuts or what? So now Callan and Chirstina are going to need to patch the holes – for the second time.
The roommates even admitted to the reason behind their crazy-brained scheme, saying “the point that is proof of his violence toward people”.
Heidi says she didn’t do it (presumably because Kylie did it) and then explains that it’s to show that Callan is violent. Also notice her asking to have until October 26th to vacate, which we granted to them, but they were not out until the Sheriff removed them on November 9. Also notice the promise of not leaving it a mess. Sigh. It was an absolute disaster. It looked like a hurricane hit. And they had smoked in the house. It stunk!
The roommates hadn’t finished moving out or even prioritized. They stole Callan’s dishes and cheap silverware but left an expensive KitchenAid mixer behind. They were clearly trying to take everything they could, but hadn’t gotten their act together in time to pull it off. They had several weeks to strip that house of anything they wanted to take, and yet they still didn’t manage to get all their stuff. It was really rather sad. I couldn’t help feeling bad for them even though they’ve cost us so much money and heartache.
Callan and Chirstina are now safe in their own home again, and are slowly getting it cleaned and put back together. The whole thing was very expensive and very sad.
And it’s not over. We had hoped that the misdemeanor battery charges against Callan would be dropped, but the prosecutors are asking for a guilty plea, 5 days in jail, fines, anger management class and a year probation. And all Callan did was put their hands up, in a defensive gesture and maybe pushed one of the roommate’s shoulders slightly while asking her to back off. She wasn’t threatened, attacked or remotely hurt.
Once we found out that the prosecution has decided to take a tough stance, our attorney requested a continuation (postponement) of the November hearing to give him more time to build a case and negotiate with the prosecution attorneys.
Our attorney says it was self-defense and Callan would win in a trial. Of course we don’t want to go to trial. So we’re hoping that our attorney can talk some sense into the prosecutors and reduce their demands to something more reasonable. The hearing (if it’s not postponed again) will be in mid-December.
I think we have a good defense attorney and I think it will turn out fine. I’m so grateful Chirstina told me what was going on in time for us to get an attorney.
So that’s the story for now. I wanted all of you to know what was going on. For those of you who found out things by reading my posts that you would have rather I told you directly, please accept my apologies. It was just too hard to try to keep everyone up to date. For awhile there, even John didn’t really know what was going on. But now you know why!
I’m hoping to have some cheerful holiday posts up for you soon. And I’ll let you know how the hearing goes.
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