Second shot

We’re heading back to New Mexico for my second vaccination shot!

I just found a totally fascinating interactive covid mortality risk model:

In addition to the cool interactive model, I also appreciated that the authors of the article do a good job of explaining the data behind the model.

It’s a model, so of course you’re not supposed to use it to assess individual risk, but then again, that’s the whole fun of it. Here’s my profile:

John has been carefully protecting me, doing all the errands himself this whole past year. This had seemed reasonable because I have been battling cancer. But ironically, it turns out he was at higher risk than I was all along!

New Mexico is doing really well with their vaccine distribution. In addition to doing a very good job of prioritizing Indigenous and other vulnerable populations, New Mexico is also one of the overall highest in the country for vaccinations. New Mexico is the top state right now in percent population with at least one dose, and trails only Alaska in percent of population fully vaccinated.

(More detailed data at:

I really wish we could get John immunized, but at 53 and healthy, with a mostly work-from-home job, he doesn’t qualify yet.

The good news is, Monica now has her first shot! I had mentioned in a recent post that she’s 80 and still waiting. I guess Texas isn’t as organized as some of the states. But she was able to get in this week, whew!

Arizona appears to be vaccinating everyone over 55. I’m curious to know what percentage of people in Arizona are over 55? Seems like that would be almost everyone! Given that John and I are just shy of 55, I don’t think either one of us would be getting vaccinated in Tucson anytime soon.

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