Dealing with the Difficulty

Later today (if I get a chance) I’m planning to post a cheerful blog about our camping trip on Memorial Day Weekend. Other times I post about selling our rentals or my ongoing struggles with chemotherapy (not as cheerful, but still pretty self-oriented).

Meanwhile, the world is suffering a pandemic and our country is rioting over tragic deaths due to our own government’s incompetence and our own biases. Our police, our rules, our culture and our policies; WE are killing innocent people, and not indiscriminately.

That is happening while I’m blithely writing about rentals and camping trips. It’s not that I don’t care. It’s just that you already have hundreds of news outlets, websites, and Facebook friends telling you what they think about all that.

So here’s something my friend just sent me. It was filmed back in spring 2017, when we knew the world was headed in the wrong direction but we had no idea yet how bad it would get. But the skit isn’t about that. It’s upbeat and funny 🙂

Thanks to Tracey for sending this:

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