San Diego

I arrived late one evening in November to visit my brother & his family in San Diego. The minute I stepped out of the Uber car and onto their driveway I was overwhelmed by how good the neighborhood smelled. The sea air is moist, and smells like trees and flowers and herbs. It smells like paradise.

The first morning I went for a run on an excellent trail they have near their house.

My niece and nephew’s Chinese grandparents made excellent meals every day.

The day after I arrived, my nephew had a piano competition at Point Loma Nazarene University. It was just up the bluff from the ocean, so we brought him a change of clothes (he was in a tux) and we walked to the beach after the competition.

On Sunday the kids went to Chinese lessons and we took advantage of the time to walk around Miramar Lake.

On my last afternoon there I took an Uber car to the beach by myself, because everyone else was too busy to go. I knew where there was a beach good for walking because we had been there on previous trips. It was very beautiful.

The retreating waves made diamond-shaped patterns in the bicolored sand.