September Starts

I’m at least two weeks behind on this blog, so to recap quickly:

In August we went to Tucson and I loved the pool, and you’re probably tired of hearing about that. So I promise to quit talking about it. Actually, I’m totally not going to promise that.

Then Labor Day weekend we spent doing the final “basic move-in tasks”, meaning, we’re definitely not done with everything yet, but we’ve finished what I consider to be the bare minimum to feel like we do actually live here (finally, it’s only been since May).

I haven’t unpacked the garage yet:

And we still have a few uncompleted construction projects. Here’s the new back door from the master bedroom almost installed:

And here’s the new hot tub John got me for my birthday. (It’s still on it’s side, which was how we got it through the gate.) It just needs the packaging removed, righted, filled up, and plugged in!

I am going to love that hot tub!