And we’re back

I haven’t been posting much because we were in Idaho for over a week (more on that soon). And then when we got back, it was discouraging coming home to a house that’s a construction zone. Plus I’ve only managed to do about half of the unpacking from our move. The house is for the most part functioning, but it’s not a very relaxing place to be yet.

This is the scene that greeted us when we got home and opened the front door.

And it wouldn’t have helped any if we had come in the back door instead. Here’s what that looks like:

Plus, both bathrooms were in middle of getting work done.

The hall bath was the most useable. Just covered in drywall debris with a gaping hole in the ceiling where a fan was being installed. So the first thing John did before even unloading the van was clean up the drywall mess so we would at least have one bathroom we could use.

While I’m amusing you with pictures of my chaotic house, here’s what my office looks like.

The dining room without any pictures on the walls is peaceful, almost Zen-like…

…until you notice the huge pile of camping equipment on top of moving boxes in the corner.

Shortly after getting home from Boise, I got a big migraine for a couple of days. I think it was the barometric pressure drop due to the elevation change. I get migraines due to pressure drops when the weather gets stormy or when going up in elevation. The elevation in Boise is 2,730′ and in Albuquerque it’s about 5,500′ in the part of town where we live.

I also got a migraine when we went backpacking at 7,000′ during our Idaho trip, but that one didn’t last very long. It was preceded by an aura, which I don’t usually get, but when I do it’s useful because it gives me early warning and I can take the medicine quickly.

Anyway, I’m all better now, except I’m still limping around due to a fall while backpacking (more on that later). My house is still chaos, but I am hoping to take some time today to get a few blog posts up. In between the chaos, lots of good stuff has been going on!