The moving tragedy that prompted my Boston visit

I went to Boston 3 weeks ago! I know, you’re thinking, “Weren’t you trying to move?” So yes, it wasn’t the most convenient time. I had recently canceled a trip to Houston, and canceled a trip to Ann Arbor, and postponed a trip to San Diego. So why Boston, the week I was supposed to be moving?

It all started when John and I were packing at the Placitas house. As I was working in the office in Placitas, I unexpectedly came across a very sad sight. On the shelf was a plastic bin sitting on top of an old, warped box. The box was partially collapsed and the plastic bin was sinking into it. I pulled them both off the shelf, and to my horror, discovered that the crushed and warped cardboard box was labeled, “Old photos, Darren and Laura’s childhood”.

I ripped it open in alarm and confirmed my fears – the photos were glued together in unusable lumps.

This cute photo of Darren and his dog is glued to about 10 other photos behind it, all of which were ruined.

Hundreds of photos were ruined. A few survived.

I don’t know what happened. Obviously the box had gotten very wet. It did not get wet in the office in Placitas. It had to have gotten wet and then dried at some previous point. John is the one who put everything onto those shelves, but he hadn’t noticed the poor condition of the box, and didn’t remember where the box had been previously.

I was exceedingly upset. I was crying and shouting things like, “The kids are all that matter!” I ranted and raved about how the rest of our possessions were meaningless. And what does everyone rescue first in a fire after the people and household pets? The photos!

That afternoon I booked plane tickets to see my sister in Boston. The logic had something to do with not wanting to miss out on her children’s childhoods, as well as I guess I just needed to see my sister.  And take pictures of her kids.

I probably would have also booked tickets to see Laura and Darren, except we were already planning to all get together the very next week, in celebration of Laura’s graduation.

I guess that’s what really matters – not the photos of the past, but the celebration of how well they are doing now.