Too Funny

As you know, John and I are apart during the work week. This weekend I was in California, so we haven’t seen each other for a week. As you can imagine, we tend to get a bit behind on communication. John’s aware that I have some new ideas about job changes and moving that we haven’t had a chance to talk about yet. He’s probably worrying about what crazy idea I came up with this time.

I called him at lunch today, but he was in a meeting. When he called me back, I only had about 7 minutes before my next meeting. So we were quickly exchanging news highlights – no time for an actual discussion.

I said, “We’re going to bid on a house tomorrow.” There was a slight pause. Then he somewhat hesitantly asked, “Where?” I said, “It’s only 2 blocks from Steven’s house!” At which point he said, with evident relief, “Oh, you mean for your parents.” Yeah? He said, “I thought you meant you and I were going to buy a house tomorrow.” LOL!

I love that he thinks I’d bid on a house for us without him even knowing where. At the moment we don’t even know what state we’re going to move to, much less what city, much less which several-block area!

But I’ll give you a hint – I’ve gone and gotten yet another real estate agent, which I only do when I’m considering an area that I haven’t considered before.