The careful categorization of books

When John and Monica packed up the Calle la Paz rental and moved everything to the Placitas Homesteads house at Christmas, they took the time to carefully catalog the location of the books. They took photos of all the shelves, and marked each box by the shelf number.

Which is a good thing, because 6 months later, our books are still in boxes. And every once in awhile, I want to find one. I could just unpack all of the books, but first we have to buy or build shelves. John doesn’t want me buying just any old thing and he hasn’t had time to do it himself. It’s not very close to the top of the priority list.

Ah, just what I was looking for. I need some escapism reading about now. Costa Rica! John and I are talking about going to Costa Rica sometime in the next year to celebrate our 10th wedding anniversary.

I started to read and highlight the book. And it just sounded so hard. Passports, red vs. orange taxis, where not to do your currency exchange, pay your departure tax when you arrive, watch out for all the different kinds of scams, you need a 4WD to get to the tourist places outside of San Jose, don’t try to drive at all in San Jose, and it’s not safe to take a bus at night…

I need a one-page guidebook, with a big glossy photo and four words: “Beach here. You sit.”