The first two pictures from Africa have arrived

John says, “I’m in Maun airport starting my return home! Here is one photo that I had on my phone. I have about a thousand much better pictures on the camera. It was a really great trip, but I’m looking forward to seeing you soon or soonish — after 40 hours of flying. 😜

John says, “This is a lioness – taken from a vehicle, not on our walk. :P”

When he says he has about a thousand more on his camera, I’m afraid that’s not a figure of speech, he actually means a thousand. We’ve been known to take hundreds just at a local park in Albuquerque where we’ve already seen (and photographed) everything several times before.

A thousand pics. So how am I going to decide which ones to post? I could just randomly pick every 10th picture – no wait, every 100th picture…? Well, I can’t wait to see them! (Some of them.)