Floating table umbrellas and other things San Diego

I went to San Diego recently to visit family.

We were eating outside in the wind (it wasn’t that bad, really, nothing like New Mexico). Suddenly the umbrella from the nearby table lifted up, up out of the stand. The bottom end of the umbrella lifted all the way above the slot in the table, hovered above the table for a sec, tilted, turned, and came floating over, crashing down on top of our table and Laura! She saw it coming – Alex and I didn’t know what hit us. You can see it, top down on the ground behind them. They gave us Laura’s food for free ,LOL, no one was hurt, and it just goes to show you – California gets wind too!

It was an informal Jamaican place, and the food was great.

Now the next set of photos I’m not going to write about. They are pretty explanatory. Cute kids at the beach 🙂

Oops. I love how colorful San Diego is, but this is a bit too much color:

It was worth it though.

Here’s some pictures of our trip to Balboa Park:

And one more time, this time without sunglasses; there you are!

Here’s far too many pictures of koi at the Japanese Garden, for John, who loves koi:


This one’s my favorite:

And here’s far too many pictures of the Botanical Building (one of my favorites). It was closed last time John and I were there, so these are also for John:

And a couple pictures of my brother’s garden:

I think the white flowered one is dragon fruit (if not, someone will correct me). Here is a photo from last November that shows the fruit, it’s a pretty amazing color:

This is the local community center – it’s an upscale area.

And here I am with a niece!