Cute dog pics

After that last post (?!?!) we definitely need some cute dog pics before I lose my remaining 3 readers! Sorry I don’t have time to use software to write the funny quotes right on the pics.

Come ON, dad, there’s a storm coming!


How to play fetch with a leashed dog: first you throw the ball, then you both run after it.

I did NOT knock the Christmas tree over! Seriously.

I know there’s a toy up there.

Look, Ma, I can fly…oomph.

Wait – that’s not the neighbor’s cat.

We know you’ve got salami…hand it over.

What are we even supposed to be?

What kind of hiking trail is this?

I don’t care what’s on my shirt, I just want dinner.

If you’d just scoot the rug a little to the left, please…

So let me tell you a story. Back when I was young…

We promise we’re not going to get lost in the woods.

Moving sucks for grownups.

That sign up there doesn’t say dogs can’t be ON the hot tub.

What do you mean, “Get down”? You let the cat on the window sill.

What’s so funny about my ear?