And how stupid is she?

I’m at work, going through stacks and stacks and stacks (hundreds) of multi-page reports that the oil & gas plants and other facilities have sent us recently. And I notice something unusual. One of the facilities recently sent reports of an obscure type, from previous years – Dec. 2014, June 2015, Dec. 2015, June 2016, Dec 2016, and June 2017.  Usually we just get current reports.

I sent an email out to the other managers, my boss, and my employees saying essentially, FYI, we got this unusual submittal, and it looks like maybe someone specifically requested it?

My star employee, the brilliant, hardworking kid who started the same time I did, without whom I’m not sure how we’d be getting anything done – he emails back to say, “I believe this is the facility you and I spoke to on Jan. 25th regarding their reporting.  They told us the 60.7 reports they had submitted only contained NOx data and not the CO and other data required.  We told them to submit the complete reports.”

And he hit reply-all! Great. Way to make me look like a dolt who cannot remember anything, in front of all the rest of management.

Apparently I’M the one who specifically requested those reports (actually he did, but I was on the call, supposedly at least tracking what was going on).