Short stories

One of the approximately 5 people who occasionally read this blog emailed me to complement me on my writing and suggest that I write short stories. I assume she means fiction, which I could never do.  I haven’t any idea how to make up a story. I couldn’t tell a convincing story if my life depended upon it.

And I assume she also means something in print form, or perhaps at least with a larger readership than approximately 5, and maybe illustrated with a bit more effort than simply throwing up random, unretouched snapshots at the end of every few paragraphs.

That’s not happening either. I guess I’m just lazy. So here is my blog. Consider it my collection of short stories. Very short, short stories, unedited and, for the most part, unread.

I occasionally repeat myself too. Sometimes on purpose, as background, so the blog entry makes some small amount of sense as a stand-alone. Other times accidentally, because I usually can’t post my ideas right away. Then I forget which ideas I’ve actually posted.

I don’t think this blog would appeal to very many people. Most blogs are edgy or confrontational or informative or hilarious or glamorous, or some entertaining mix of all of the above. And yet, I would enjoy reading a simple blog like this one.  How would one find such a thing?

Oh, and here’s a random recent photo.

Doesn’t it seem like Christmas was forever ago? It is still January.