A snowy football Sunday

We woke up to snow this morning! John came up from Placitas last night, so I’m glad he didn’t wait until this morning. There is a sheet of ice under the snow and driving conditions are poor.

I still have that migraine, but not too bad today. The forecast is for strong winds later today, so we took the dogs out for a walk early while it was still nice out.

John looked at the webcams and it looks like there’s not snow in Placitas or Albuquerque. Santa Fe is higher elevation and gets more precipitation as well as being colder.

Now we’re going to spend the rest of the day at home. John bought a digital antenna and is going to try to pull the football games in that way. We don’t have cable – it’s a long story. There are several reasons – John had a feud with DirectTV and won’t buy it again. And Infinity isn’t available on our street in Placitas. It is available in Santa Fe, but in the long run we plan to spend most weekends in Placitas, not Santa Fe. And I certainly don’t need cable for anything myself. I don’t watch TV at all, ever. And I just use my cellphone to hot spot for internet, since I’m at work most of the time.

And who knew the Vikings would get this close to the super bowl this year? Yes, as most of you know, I live with a Vikings fan. Much dumbfounded excitement last Sunday as you can imagine, although we only heard it on the radio, lol, and then youtube afterwards for the replays.

If the digital antenna doesn’t work, we’ll brave the weather and head to a nearby sports bar. Go Vikings!