A down day

I have been down all day, for no apparent reason.

I got my job offer back on Friday afternoon, so I was happy all weekend. I guess what goes up must come down! Now, 4 days later, I’m just blah. I think it might be just the weather. It’s been gray all day and that’s not common for New Mexico. I get very spoiled here and expect my sunshine every day!

Just now I was talking with a potential client on the phone, and I’ve done those kind of calls hundreds of times. Usually they go very smoothly because I’ve been doing it for so long. But today I just felt like I was stammering around. I think she’s still going to sign up for coaching, but not because I made a stellar impression this afternoon.

Hopefully tomorrow should go better. I have an appointment to look at houses, which I don’t feel like doing. I’m not happy about the difficult market and the expense of everything. But luckily I’ve got a good friend who has agreed to go with me. That should help! Maybe it will even be fun.

And I am truly happy to have the new job and I can’t wait to start. When I accepted the offer, my new boss said that I just made her day! Well, that made my day!