What about the coaching?

You may have noticed that a couple of times recently I’ve said things like, “When I’m done with all the remodeling and rentals, I’m going to get a job!” So you may be wondering how the coaching is going.

I’ve been coaching for 17 years and I am happily continuing to do so. I don’t talk about it very much, because the interesting part of coaching is my client’s lives, and that’s confidential. So there’s not much else to say. I did swap out the photos on one of my websites a few days ago.

But yes, I’m coaching as always. But I am only willing or able to coach a certain number of clients before I get overwhelmed with it.  Imagine you have a great big family with lots of brothers and sisters. And imagine they each call you every week and talk for an entire hour telling you all about what’s wrong with their lives. And imagine that there’s really hard things going on in their lives – things like loss of jobs, divorces, business failures, serious health issues.

Yes, you’d feel useful, needed and helpful; to be able to help them navigate through those hard times. But it’s not easy being with them in the middle of all those hard things. I really care about my clients. It would be hard enough to have one sibling or close friend going through a divorce. Imagine several at once, all leaning on you.

So typically, in addition to doing some coaching, I’ve also had a job in my other career field, which is environmental science. But as some of you know, I quit my  job a year and a half ago for a variety of reasons. At that point, I put some time into redoing my coaching websites, and did some advertising. Then I got distracted with all these houses.

So the coaching is going along fine as usual, but I do find that I miss my environmental science career. It’s not easy to get a job in New Mexico, and I’m getting older too. And this isn’t my first resume gap. So we’ll just have to see what happens.