old and confused – and emoji

I’m getting old and confused!

This morning Laura texted me and said, “Good morning! Just checking in to say hi and hope you’re having a great week so far (smiley face).”

So this is my kid, right, and I just say whatever comes into my head with my kids. So I said, “I just coached my client and then I told Emily I’d call, but I need to shower first, and then I meet people at the house regarding the remodel…thanks for checking in! I’ve been having headaches but am good today. Hope you’re having a good day!” (I write long texts). Then she didn’t reply for a little while, which I didn’t think anything of, because she’s at work and busy.

Then later in the afternoon, I was texting Emily, and texting my contractor, and then, when I was talking to a guy about installing hardwood floors, a text came in from someone named Luann. I’ve recently met two different Luann’s, one is a real estate agent who was filling in for my main agent, and the other one owned one of the rentals I just bought.  I don’t really know either one of them at all, so I ignored the text until I finished my conversation, and then I tried to figure out which Luann it was from. So I looked at the previous conversation for context, and there was my conversation with Laura from this morning! Why was my conversation with Laura showing up under the name Luann?

So I wrote to back this mysterious Luann and I said, “Sooo…my phone is being weird, who was I talking to?” (Note how quick I am to blame my phone, not myself).

Turns out, I had responded to a text from this random real estate agent, thinking she was Laura! I told her all about calling my client, and calling my sister Emily, and taking a shower (!!!), and headaches, and OMG, I feel dumb now!

The truth of it is, my eyes aren’t what they used to be, and the names Laura and Luann look an awful lot alike on a little phone.

I feel bad for all the old people who seem so stupid and confused, and it’s just those eyes or ears that aren’t quite as sharp as they used to be. Or memory. My memory is going too, which also confuses things. I don’t-wanna-don’t-wanna-don’t-wanna go there. I don’t want to get old.

So I texted Laura and said that I was old and confused, and she texted back, “Hahaha, (joking emoji) you’re not old and confused, just confused.” Thanks Laura! Maybe I’ll text Luann instead of you more often! (more joking emoji)

Update: This post would have been greatly improved by the ability to type emoji, which I have not been able to figure out how to do in wordpress. The internet says that I can go into my writing settings and enable emoji in the formatting section, but I tried that, and I don’t have that section.

So upon further research, I found this work-around for lame-o’s like me on an old mac. I’m posting it here, so I can find it in the future!

😄  😜  It doesn’t work very well though. It works sometimes. I have to try about 3 times and then maybe an emoji will show up. 😁 😛