Weather watching

I wonder if my aversion to talking (or even thinking) about the weather is because I’m from the Pacific Northwest? There are a lot of wonderful things about western Oregon and Washington, but in my opinion, the weather isn’t one of them. Weather discussions back home were at best boring, and very possibly extremely depressing.

“Rain? Yep. Still raining? Rain. Drizzle. About to rain. Wet and dripping, but not actually raining at the moment. Sprinkling. Damp and cold. Raining off and on. Pouring. Wet wind. Been raining for awhile. How long? Oh, dunno, maybe ten or twelve days. No, actually 3 weeks I think.” Are you ready to shoot yourself yet?

But yesterday we had tickets to see Carlos Santana! At what I believe is the biggest venue in New Mexico, the Isleta Amphitheater. Which is very much an outdoor arena, with no shelter whatsoever.

So I’ve realized that I can be very interested in the weather after all! I obsessively took photos of clouds and rain all afternoon.

3 hours prior to the Santana concert:

2 1/2 hours prior to the Santana concert:

2 hours prior to the Santana concert – it’s raining hard:

1 1/2 hours prior to the Santana concert:

1 hour prior to the Santana concert: