New Windows

Like any remodel, we’re having a variety of little issues out there. The plumber caused a leak, damaging a cabinet. The bottom drawer swelled up so much it will need replaced.

The electrician broke an expensive new light fixture. Someone installed a baseboard heater a foot off the ground (why?) and it needs moved down, to line up with the others. The window installers broke a riser for the sprinkler system, so when it came on, water was gushing everywhere. Luckily John had stopped up there on his way to work and noticed it.

But it’s exciting to see the upgrades.  One of my biggest priorities was to get the windows replaced. They were failing, and leaking. Not only leaking water when it rained, but also leaking air. They were extremely noisy in the wind; howling and whistling. And we get a lot of wind in New Mexico, particularly on top of that hill.  It was like a haunted house up there!

All the windows are getting replaced. Most of them are just being switched out with the same size, but one, with an excellent view of the mountains, is being reconfigured to take better advantage of the view.

Here’s the before and after shots. Originally we had 3 windows with a total of 5 window panes breaking up that view. Now there’s just one big picture window. Actually, that’s a terrible photo and doesn’t do it justice. Let’s just say that in person, it’s a surprising and dramatic improvement.