The butt post

Shortly before Christmas is a dumb time to start a weight loss diet. Why can’t I wait until after New Years like everyone else?

At first I didn’t mind too much. It’s only 10 pounds, and it came on slowly. I’m over 50; I deserve my extra 10!

It has been a little annoying that I can’t fit into most of my pants, and those I do fit into are tighter than comfy. But it’s much easier to buy new pants than go on a diet.

So why the sudden decision?

A couple of days ago I was walking along and suddenly I was thinking, “What is that in my pants? Have I got my undies in a bunch? My butt feels weird.”

A little while later I was thinking, “What the heck? Was I sitting on that bike too long and numbed my butt?”

Something was clearly not right. I kept being like, “Wait, what IS that?”

Well, “that” was my own butt. I could feel my butt when I was walking around! And somehow that was just not ok with me. Like, no. Nope. There clearly needs to be less butt. I already exercise almost daily. So that means…well, you all know what that means. Less butt = less food.

It’s fitting – and sort of sad, that this post is immediately after “Sourdough Experiment #2“.

And it’s Christmastime!!! (wail)