Kai blew out his knee

Kai blew out his knee. We’re not sure how he did it. We weren’t there to see it, but he probably jumped off the back of the couch or something. On my last day in Boston John called to tell me that he came home to find Kai limping and not putting any weight on one of his legs.

My sister pretty accurately diagnosed it with just this 2-second video:

John took him to the vet and confirmed it; torn ligaments.

They put him on pain medication for a week, but it never seemed to bother him much. He just hops around on 3 legs, as cheerful as ever.

They say it will take awhile for it to heal. We’re watching for signs of it healing, but so far, not much change. He will touch his foot to the ground sometimes, but never puts any weight on it. Meanwhile we’re told to take him on moderate walks, which he has been happy to do every day.