45-Day Countdown, Day 22, Halfway

I typically do whatever it takes to stay way ahead of my deadlines, because I tend to be quite stressed by looming due dates. My motto is, “Better to do today what I might not have time to do tomorrow.” So I expected to be much further along by now.

We’re doing a 1013 exchange; selling rental property, and exchanging it for replacement property, rather than cashing out. By the rules, we need to have identified replacement property within 45 days of selling the original property.

A week ago, I thought I was almost done. We were under contract on one house, and making an offer on a second one. But now we’re not going to buy the first house. The second house is going well, and we should close on Friday. It’s a cute house, and we’re very happy about it. It doesn’t need any work, and I should be able to advertise it for rent soon after we close.

However, this townhouse is only 1/3 of the exchange funds. Suddenly I find myself in the position of needing to buy 2 more rentals in 23 days!